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Respecting The Messenger of Allah

9789960861449, Darussalam Publishers & Distributers, english, 32, 12x17, Education, Islamic Teachings, 2 color
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Education, Islamic Teachings
2 color
0.1 kg
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In our religion the highest ever to be respected and worshipped is Allah. After Him, we respect our Prophet (PBUH), more than anyone else. It is because Allah Has ordered us to respect the Messenger. Allah said to us that the Messenger (PBUH) was on an exalted standard of character. In the Holy Qur’an, it is narrated that Allah and His angels send blessings upon the Prophet (PBUH), Allah also ordered Ummah to send Darood O Salam (blessing) upon Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The Prophet himself has said that no one will become a true believer unless the Prophet becomes dearer to him than anyone else. He (PBUH) has also said that he who loves him will be in Paradise with him. So, it is a part of our religion to respect and love the Messenger. May Allah increase our love for Prophet (PBUH) and turn us towards Right path.


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